Table of Contents
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Attendance Procedures
Drop-off and Pick-up will take place in the Alley Theatre's "Alley Way," with an entrance from Texas Street between Smith Street and Louisiana Street (download or see map below).
AM Extended Care drop-off begins at 8:00 AM.
Regular drop-off begins at 8:45 AM.
Regular pick-up begins at 3:00 PM.
PM Extended Care pick-up ends at 5:00 PM.
On Day 1, we will confirm that we have received all completed online forms. Once cleared, a staff member will escort your child to and from your vehicle. Parents are to remain in their vehicles.
At the end of the regular day, a staff member will come to your car to check you in for pick-up. We will be asking for identification from you, so please have that ready. Campers will be escorted to your car. If you know you are running late, you have the option of adding à la carte extended care at $10 per shift.
Students who are approved for self-dismissal must check themselves out with a camp staff member before they leave.
If you are running late (for drop-off or pick-up) please call or text our camp administrators with the Google Voice number: 530-710-8375

What to Bring
Food: Please bring a healthy lunch and low-sugar snacks. Students will not be dismissed to go offsite for lunch. Unfortunately, vending machines, microwaves, and refrigerators are not available.
Drink: Only water will be allowed in classrooms. All students are encouraged to bring their own refillable water bottles.
Notebook, folder, pens, and pencils: Students will receive a great deal of information, and will need a place to take notes and keep track of the information given in class.
Phones and devices: To keep our attention in the room, cell phones and other personal electronic devices must remain out of sight and silent. Occasionally, phones may be used to assist with particular assignments on a case-by-case basis. Because students will not always have access to their devices, if you need to reach your child during the day, please call or message the camp administrator.
Alley Theatre is not responsible for lost or damaged items.

Clothing: Students need to be free to express themselves. Dancewear, exercise clothes, pants, and T-shirts are recommended. Students should not wear restrictive clothing, low-cut shirts, skirts, dresses, or anything that inhibits movement.
The Alley can be cold at times, so students are encouraged to bring a sweater or a sweatshirt. Students may keep a backpack or bag within the theatre and may bring a towel to use for floor exercises if they have neck or back issues.
Comfortable, closed-toed shoes: Students will be participating in a variety of active theatre exercises and artistic endeavors. Being able to move around freely and safely is extremely important. Students should wear closed-toed shoes and clothing that is appropriate for movement each day.
Alley Theatre will not be responsible for any lost items of clothing.

Emergencies & Medical Needs
Emergency Forms: The health and safety of students are a priority. Please make sure to turn in your required forms on the first day of Conservatory. Completed forms must be handed to the camp administrator.
Medical or other concerns: It is important for us to be aware of any medical concerns that could hinder a student’s performance such as sports injuries, asthma, or other conditions that might need attention. Alley Conservatory will need a written action plan that details any symptoms and what is to be done in the event of an emergency.
Allergies: It is very important that you inform Alley Conservatory staff of any allergies that may impact your student’s ability to participate in Conservatory.
Illness: Students showing signs of illness, especially fever or flu-like symptoms, should stay at home and will receive an excused absence. Please call or message the camp administrator.
Medication: Unless a student is having an allergic reaction, the Alley Conservatory staff is unable to administer any type of medication. If your student needs medication, they must be able to administer it themselves. Parents can also arrange for someone to come to the theatre to administer medication.
Alley Theatre Map

Contact Information
Conservatory Phone (Google Voice): 530-710-8375
Chaney Tullos
Director of Education Programs
Camp Director
Office Phone: 713-315-5442
Email: ChaneyT@alleytheatre.org
Esme LeJeune Wu
School Programs Manager
Camp Administrator
Office Phone: 713-315-5425
Email: EsmeW@alleytheatre.org
Elena Valladolid-Rivera
Sales and Marketing Coordinator
Office Phone: 713-315-5424
Email: ElenaVR@alleytheatre.org

Teen Acting Camp: Teaching Artists

Chaney Tullos (Camp Director) has worked regionally as an actor, director, and stage manager. He has performed with companies including Ford’s Theatre, the American Shakespeare Center, Virginia Stage Company, The Colorado Shakespeare Festival, SITI Company, and the New Orleans Shakespeare Festival. Before moving to Houston, he served as Associate Artistic Director of the New Orleans Shakespeare Festival and was an adjunct faculty member at Tulane University where he taught courses in Acting, Shakespeare, and Stage Management. Additionally, Chaney also served on the faculty of the prestigious New Orleans Center for Creative Arts where he helped students earn spots in the nation’s best acting programs. He holds an MFA in Acting from LSU and is a proud member of Actors’ Equity Association and SAG-AFTRA.

Alan Brincks (Acting) arrived in Houston from Iowa via New York City, and continues to work locally and regionally as an actor. As a teaching artist, he has worked with kindergarten to undergraduate age ranges. Alan is a graduate of the University of Houston with an MFA, Nebraska Wesleyan University with a BFA, and has studied at Shakespeare’s Globe in London.