What Does "Orwellian" Mean?
“Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past.” -Orwell, 1984
When people call something “Orwellian,” they're referring to the controlling government in 1984.
When you hear this term, remember:
it can refer to any powerful individual, not just a group.
Big Brother is Watching You
“There are no private lives...Everything is public.” -Philip K. Dick, dystopian author
1984 focuses on warning against surveillance and control by the government- think “Big Brother is Watching You.”
What do you think are the risks of living in a watched world?
Before you decide, consider that:
Commercial surveillance is everywhere. We pay good money to stay accessible.
Surveillance society is increasingly common, meaning people are getting used to it.
Technology advances faster than regulations.
Create Your Own Dystopia
“It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen.” -Orwell, 1984
Which elements of society would you draw upon to create a worst-case-scenario future?
Define Dystopias. Dystopian fiction takes aspects of a problematic society and amplifies them to create dark, unsettling views of the future.
Identify and review the defining characteristics of dystopian worlds, like a controlling, pervasive force and a trapped, doubtful protagonist.
Write a description of your dystopia...who (or what) is in control?
If you're a visual thinker, try creating a storyboard of your dystopian world instead.